The Eagle Has Landed presents the story of the first Moon landing in July 1969. The documentary depicts the principal events of the mission, from the launching through the post recovery activities of astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. Through television, motion pictures, and still photography, the program provides an "eyewitness" perspective of the Apollo 11 mission.
Houston, Weve Got a Problem is a NASA documentary of the near-fatal Apollo 13 mission in 1970. It includes the onboard explosion and efforts by the ground crew and flight crew to troubleshoot the malfunction and design and implement contingency procedures to bring the crippled spacecraft home.
The two documentaries will air several times, together on SCCtv (Ch 28 Comcast, Ch 19 Millennium) in the coming week and will air at 9:00pm the evening of July, 20, 2009, the actual 40th anniversary date.